Double Standards

by By Burnett W. “Kwadwo” Gallman, Jr. M.D.
Burnett W. “Kwadwo” Gallman, Jr. M.D. Burnett W. “Kwadwo” Gallman, Jr. M.D.

When we hear the term, “double standard”, we usually think of the standard between men and women. Indeed, there is a double standard. We typically end the discussion by everyone acknowledging that it is not fair but rarely do we during the conversation, consider the origin of this double standard. In this case, the cause of the male-female double standard is misogyny, which is defined as the contempt for women or the ingrained prejudice against women. Where does this originate? I submit that this is very inherently European in origin and conforms perfectly to the “Two Cradle Theory” as posited by Dr. Cheik Anta Diop.

Actually, we can discuss that at a later time because what I’d like to concentrate on now is the double standard between white people and AUSA (Afrikans from the United States of America). Yes, I am getting to the current sensational news of the double standard in women’s college basketball. First, let me say that trash talking is considered part of the game. Unfortunately, however, some people sit on the highchair of judgement and call it taunting, with a negative connotation. Or, let me say, when whites do it, it’s called swag and competitiveness and when AUSA do it it’s called classless and ghetto. Before continuing, I do realize there are other things happening that should be discussed, like the heavily armed white boy who was arrested on the campus of North Carolina A&T University, an HBCU in Greensboro North Carolina. Indeed, that is an ongoing saga that not only deserves but demands attention. But, this issue is something that goes beyond mere sports and is illustrative of the reality of the United States, a reality that too many AUSA either deny or ignore.

The root of the AUSA-white double standard is racism...obviously. In this space we’ve discussed several types of racism but let’s concentrate on individual racism and unconscious racism. The individual racism needs no explanation but the consideration of unconscious racism is interesting. It was discussed widely twenty plus years ago when I first starting researching racism. However in most recent articles, the preferred term is “unconscious bias” rather than “unconscious racism”. I frankly see this as a self-serving way to “soft peddle” or redefine the reality. Many racists don’t want to be thought of as racist and there are many whites who don’t consider themselves to be racist. The word “unconscious” is significant in both those cases. Another example of this redefining is the way that the government changed the term “environmental racism”, to “environmental justice”. Again, this is a story for another time.

Before continuing, it is important to mention that science now tells us that the human brain is not fully developed until about age twenty-five.

So... LSU’s star, Angel Reese, a twenty-year-old female who identifies as Black, has been criticized for doing exactly what Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, a twenty-one-year old female who identifies as white, had been doing all tournament. Frankly, I personally had no problem with either of these ladies’ trash talking. Certainly, they both have the skills to back up the talk. Why then, is Reese being criticized so harshly, being called names like “ghetto” and “classless” by so many people including sportswriters and talking heads who are supposed to be neutral while Clark isn’t being criticized at all? Actually, Clark is praised for doing the same things with names like “fierce competitor” and “having swag”. Consider that both these young ladies’ brains are still developing. So those “adults” sitting in judgement are actually bullying children.

But we all know the answer to the question. It is the hypocrisy of racism, whether overt/conscious or unconscious. For those few AUSA who are critical of Reese, there is another type of racism to describe them. Internalized racism refers to those AUSA who have accepted and internalized the stereotypes, values and ideologies about their people and themselves and behave in a self-hating and/or destructive manner. We all know “skinfolks” who fit this description.

All this being said, enter Dr. Jill Biden, the First Lady of the United States of America who pronounced that Iowa, although they lost the championship game by 17 points, should be invited to the white house along with LSU, the winners :...because they played such a good game”. Pardon me, but WTF?! Do college sports teams now get participation awards. Lets look at the facts:

1. Since 1865, almost all college national football champions have been invited to the White runners-up.

2. Since 1976, all college men’s basketball champions have been invited to the White runners-up.

3. No Super Bowl losers have been invited to the White House.

4. No NBA championship series losers have been invited to the White House.

In my opinion, Jill Biden displayed her racism and preference for Iowa, the mostly white team because they “played such a good game” but still lost by 17 points to a predominately AUSA team. Whether this is conscious racism or unconscious racism can be debated but after all is said and done, it is still a form of racism.

According to Maya Angelou in 2015, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Food for thought.