Comfort Zone Creations for Women Veterans: Empowerment Strategies for Life Beyond the Military

April 20, 2023
Dr. Pamela Gay Dr. Pamela Gay

From SC to SC… Community Chaplain Pamela Gay relocated from Alabama to South Carolina into the Cane Bay Plantation community in September 2018. Since moving into the Lindera Preserve subdivision, Chaplain Pamela graduated with her doctorate in ministery in June 2019. As a retired military veteran, Dr. Pam spends her days enjoying the tri-county area that she was never afforded as a native of the small Charleston County town of Hollywood. Raised in Hollywood and educated at Baptist Hill High School, Dr. Gay spent twenty years on active duty in the U.S. Army. The nation’s social distancing standards reinvigorated past military relationships resulting in her publishing her first book, “Comfort Zone Creations for Women Veterans: 12 Empowerment Strategies for Life Beyond the Military.” The book focuses on helping women transition into their communities without compromising their skills and identity.

Within the first ninety days, over 100 copies of Dr. Gay’s book reached from the east to the west coast with women raving about the helpful information in “Comfort Zone Creations for Women Veterans.” The strategies are helpful for men and women, civilians and military. However, be warned some readers admit to using several pieces of tissue to dry their tears, several experienced bursts of laughter, and many experienced breakthroughs in their daily coping skills.

Purchase your autographed today at to experience heart-wrenching charges to a more fulfilling life. If not for yourself, get your copy to better understand some of the challenges that military veterans quietly experience which you may indirectly or directly assist.