SCLBC Supports Tennessee Linking Arms for Change "Sensible Gun Laws" Effort

April 20, 2023

The South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus, along with all state legislative black and minority group caucuses, stand in solidarity with the Tennessee Legislative Black Caucus and the Tennessee Three. SCLBC members believe this is a critical time in our country and an opportune time to make the changes needed to save lives from unnecessary gun violence. In the Isle of Palms, South Carolina, we just recently witnessed a horrendous shooting during a gathering of high school students only weeks before graduation. These acts of violence are simply unacceptable. We, as elected lawmakers, have the responsibility to take action to prevent these deadly incidents and protect our children, our family members, and our communities.

We believe the message of the Tennessee Three is clear and supported by the overwhelming majority of American citizens, many of whom are gun owners. We can curb the violence we are witnessing across our nation if we, the people, come together and demand action now.

SCLBC advocates for sensible gun laws that include the following…

1. Oppose any Permitless (Constitutional Carry) Laws that allow anyone to carry firearms openly.

2. Support Violence Intervention Programs (VIP) that help prevent violent acts and support organizations dedicated to this cause.

3. Pass Background Check Laws that require universal background checks for all gun purchases, including those at gun shows, online, and between private individuals.

4. Implement Red Flag Laws, which allow law enforcement and family members to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose a threat to themselves or the community.

5. Pass Safe Storage Requirements that mandate gun owners safely and securely store their firearms when not in use to prevent unauthorized access, particularly by children

6. Pass laws that allow Gun Violence Research: Lifting the ban on federal funding for research into gun violence to better inform policy decisions.